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Lectio Divina (literally, “divine reading”) is an ancient way of praying with scripture in a contemplative manner. There are different ways of approaching Lectio. I (Peter) like to practice it with others because then we hear what the Spirit is saying to each person. I have found that this is also a great way to build friendships. I also like to work with one of the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday. This gives all of us who participate a chance to meditate on a particular passage prior to hearing it in church, and it is quite helpful for me to hear the wisdom of others as part of the process of preparing my sermon!
Before each reading of the passage, a different question is posed. 
Before the first reading, we ask, “Listen for a word or phrase or image that gets your attention or surprises you in some way.”
Before the second reading: “Be someone in the story. (Often, this is someone like Jesus or a disciple or one of the key Biblical characters in the story or someone in the crowd.) Pretend that you are there. What do you notice? Use your five senses and notice what your reactions are.”
Before the third reading: “What is the message that you are hearing today? What is the Holy Spirit saying to you through this passage? Is there some takeaway that you are supposed to mull over for the next few days? Is there some action that God is calling you to take?”
We have a brief time of sharing related to each question posed after each successive reading of the passage. I like to take prayer requests at the very end, and we pray together before we close.
Our weekly Zoom Lectio Divina sessions are on Thursdays from 9:30 - 10:30 am.  I hope you can join us!