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Dear Parish Community,
As mentioned during our Annual Parish Meeting a few months ago, the Vestry is looking at options to provide permanent rector housing for Ashley and future rectors. We are now ready to take the first steps in moving forward. To start the process, we would like to reach out to some members of the congregation to serve on a couple of committees. The time commitment for these committees would be for a few months.  
The first committee is called the Wisdom Council. This committee will look at the challenge we are facing and its impact on our parish's ability to move our mission and vision forward. They will outline the practical operational and programmatic obstacles created by the challenge, its financial implications, and its impacts on the staff, volunteers, and parishioners.
The second committee is the Capital Project Committee.  This committee will look at all possible solutions available to address our challenge of rector housing.  As part of this, they look at the financial implications of each solution, diocesan and/or governmental approvals necessary, impact on the parish and the wider community, external factors, and steps necessary to achieve each solution.  They will also work to determine if the parish has the people and financial resources necessary to achieve each of the solutions.  
If either of these committee opportunities interests you and/or if you have experience in any of these areas, please contact Ted Clayton, Lee Nowoslawski, or Greg Murray. We would like to start the process within the next few weeks.
Thank you,
St. Luke's Vestry